Increasingly people are spending less time at home, and as a result are less exposed to traditional media like TV, radio, newspapers and magazines. By advertising on Out-of-home media you can:
- Launch a brand, build and maintain brand awareness cost-effectively.
- Create a big Impact and reach mass audiences cost-effectively.
- Target specific audiences and markets with high frequency-ie, shoppers, business travellers, AB’s, teens, store catchment areas.
- Multiply the effect of other media, by reinforcing the message over a longer period.
- Provide a “path to purchase”, converting brand awareness into consumer purchase behaviour.
- Branding
- Make an impact
- Reach mass audiences or target your message cost-effectively audience
- Achieve sustained awareness
Compliments other media

Static outdoor provides a continuous presence 24 hours-a-day, 7 days-a-week, and reaches audiences that other media find hard and cost-prohibitive to attract, eg light tv viewers.
- Is a reminder medium, when other activity tapers off.
- Cost-effectively reaches audiences that are cost-prohibitive for other media to reach.
- Provides a path to purchase, reinforces brand messages from other media closer to point- of-purchase.
- Is a strategic, cost-effective way to maintain brand awareness between bursts of other media activity.